The Vixens on Heavenly Intervention

When things don’t go their way…When sadness, disappointment and even desperation prompt some people to gaze heavenward and think, “Why God, why me?” Or “How could you let this happen?” the Ladderday Vixens know that Her Radiance is unlikely to answer.

Does his mean She is cold hearted, callous or bereft of compassion? Of course not. For She is Love. Pure and Divine Love. And she loves her self-aware animated creations so much that she did a very rare thing, and added an addendum after  creation, just for us! “Love one another!”Now Her Radiance did not feel the need to mention what is essentially a cosmic “oh, by the way…!” for any of Her other creations. The stars continue on since their creation, lighting the heavens, and She didn’t feel compelled to suggest anything else to them. The tiny particles, the quarks, protons, bosons or what have you, continue holding the universe together since their creation, and She did not see any reason to suggest minor changes to their behaviors. The molecules which formed from smaller mites of matter, and began to self replicate, Her Radiance was happy to let them be as they were created. All of the amazingly complex rules that govern the behaviors of the different parts of the Radiant Vixens most wonderful universe all carry on without the merest further mention for Her. Only us humans did She grace with Her little side note. “Love One Another!”And that was necessary because our particular little clumps of molecular proteins developed self awareness. And the Radiant Vixen is delighted with it. This is because all of the rest of her Creation is bound by immutable laws, which allow it to exist. But the self aware clumps of molecules (that’s us!) began to choose their own destinies. And to honor them, she decided to allow this. No other component of Her Radiances’ Grand Creation is granted that gift. The stars cannot just decide not to not follow  the laws of gravity, or, only follow the laws on Mondays and Thursdays. The protons and neutrons cannot just decide not to follow their various laws. It is a truly great gift. The greatest She could bestow upon us. However, with that gift come certain caveats. We are allowed our own choices, but that means we can make wrong choices. Or, rather, choices which will not bring us contentment. Unlike other human deities, Her Radiance does not dictate every facet of your life. She does not tell you what clothes to wear. She cares not. The convention of not wearing the color red on Fridays didn’t come from Her Radiance. That was a product of a disagreement among some of her human admirers. Her Radiance doesn’t  care what you choose to eat, or who you choose to have physical relations with. She doesn’t care if you steal, lie or cheat. She only knows that the way the laws of Her Creation are set up, that some of these actions will eventually bring you suffering and She doesn’t wish that on you. Therefore, the little side note. “You are free to direct your own destiny!..Oh by the way…!”

This is the paradox of Free Will. Use it wisely! Or suffer the consequences.