About Us

Welcome to the SCOLDV Digital Outreach Project. Here you will find some information on our mission and literature pertaining to our worldview. The Vixens welcome anyone, on behalf of Her Serene Grace, the Radiant Vixen, who’s luminous tail encompasses the universe, and for whom pure love is the only expression.

The Vixens do not care if you are black or white, man or woman, gay, straight, a drug addict, or any other adjective of the Human condition. They merely offer to transmit the message of Love from the Radiant Vixen, without judgement, that peoples lives may be improved. That message comes in the form of a book which we call “The Vixens Handbook for Better Living.”

The Vixens Handbook for Better Living

The exact method by which the early SCOLDV members decide what to include in the Handbook for Better Living is a little vague at this point in time. Rumor has it they decide everyone present should write the Radiant Vixens important message however and in whatever style they wanted, and then all the pages would be used to make the Handbook. 1300 pages later, they had the completed document.
We hope to feature the Handbook in its entire 1,300 page length, right here on this site, at some point. However for now, we have some random excepts:

Page 564: Bold, blue, script lettering. “Love one Another”.

Page 289: Heavy, block print style, red lettering. “Love one Another”.

Page 896: Very large, flowey, green lettering with gold outline. “Love one another”.

Page 22: Asian style script lettering, in black. “Love one Another”.

Page 675: Extremely large, gothic style, yellow lettering. “Love one Another”.

Page 87: Art Deco style lettering, in blush. “Love one Another”.

Page 331: Small, rounded, modern lettering in grey. “Love one Another”.

The Vixens Creation Story

The Radiant Vixen has been, and always will be. She created a marble, and filled it with Her pure love and joy. She looked at the marble She held playfully in Her paws. She liked it. She added a few little things, without thinking too much about it. Some little flavorings, that would mystify quantum physicists in the future some day. The Radiant Vixen sniffed the marble curiously. She poked it with a paw and giggled. Then, she dropped it. The Universe sprang into being! Her Radiance was showered by sparkly and fun things like quarks, photons, atoms, molecules, gases, stars and planets! She curled her Luminous Tail around everything and sighed with contentment. The glowing new universe was held warm against her tummy. When she opened her eyes after her nap, she was quite interested to notice that some of the atoms and molecules had been doing something odd. And exciting! They were clumping together in beautiful and complex shapes! Her Radiance watched as first primitive life forms came to grips with the Physical Laws She had blessed them with. There were so many little shapes and She loved every one of them. Some of the shapes began to contemplate their own existence. Her Radiance pondered the developing sentience joyously but, She was a little dismayed at some of the behaviors She witnessed. So, She sent them a little cheat sheet to help them, because she wanted them to be happy and to thrive. After all, She loved them dearly. “Love one Another” it said. That was Her message to all life.