the universe swirling around her.

She is at peace. Her biggest strength is her Inner Serenity and Love. These keep Her centered, wherever She may go in this wide and glorious universe which She has created. This is why She is the Center no matter where She will roam.
Taking an example from our Radiant Vixen, we see that the same is true for beings on the lesser plains of existence as well. Ones Inner Serenity must be one’s strongest attribute in order to weather the turbulence of these plains, where atoms and molecules clump together to gallop, swim or laugh. If one is not at peace inside one’s heart, how can one find peace amidst this soup of matter and energy surging around us like waves surging around rocks? In order to navigate those waves, one needs a life preserver and that life preserver is one’s Inner Serenity. This is not something one can find on a store shelf, sadly. One must discover ones own Inner Serenity, and then once discovered, zealously guard it! For there are forces that would wrest it from your grasp. Those cast away without life preservers on a tumultuous sea, will try to grab yours! Those careening in uncontrolled orbits will try to cling to the nearest stable thing. Help them if you must, but never give up your Inner Serenity to do do. That is not Love! That is self destruction. Un-love.
So sayeth the Seventh Congregation of Ladder Day Vixens
Today let us safeguard our Inner Peace from drama, negative intentions, unwinnable situations and dark energy.