Purpose. What is your purpose? Do you have one? Is it assigned you by a god somewhere, who made you for a specific purpose? In the darkest night, or on the roughest road or in the deepest, stillest forest, do you ever stop and wonder about this? For many, a sense of purpose is very important for emotional balance. It can make you feel part of something larger than one’s self. What is the Radiant Vixens purpose for Her disciples? As surprising as it may seem, She has seen fit to let use choose our own purpose, with only the reminder that we act out of love in all things we do. Or even, to not choose any purpose at all! What purpose would you like to serve? Do you see a purpose that could benefit from your attention? Purposes can be grand, or they can be tiny. You can have a purpose that serves only you, or one that serves the whole world! It’s up to you. The funny thing about purposes though, is that even if you feel it only benefits you, it can still have far reaching effects. Suppose there is an overgrown thicket of dead trees and thorny brambles outside your window. You might feel that having a purpose to fix the area up a little and cut away the dead wood, trim the thorns, and sweep away moldy leaves might only serve yourself. After all, only you can see it. What a selfish endeavor! But later on, song birds move in because of the more appealing conditions. New green shoots sprout up where once splintered dead branches swayed lifeless. wild flower bloom where once was festering mulch. The view from your window is now quite lovely. The bird song pleases all who hear it. The trees become healthy and verdant again. Other animals who were shy of the brambles, traverse the area in comfort. The fact is, if done within our Radiant Vixens guidelines, any purpose, no matter how small or seemingly inconsequential, will have a net positive effect on the world.
So sayeth the Seventh Congregation of Ladder Day Vixens.
today, let us find our Purpose, weather large or small, and act with Love towards all things!