The Vixens on religion

The only way is Love.

This is not a new idea but it is the only valid idea. Unless your religion or deity promotes this idea then it is a lie. Sorry but thats the way it is. Love is the only system that will work. All others have failed and will fail. It’s a Law of the universe. Like gravity. Any human social order that tries to flaunt this Law will fail. Hate and fear and greed are the only sins and reflect an Absence of Love. All humans problems can be traced to the Absence of Love. And this is not the sixties flower child, free love, sex drugs and rock and roll love, but the universal Love all human beings find themselves needing like a plant needs the sun. The Love of mother father, child, sister brother, son, daughter, and fellow human beings. And then of the very planet Earth itself.  

All human religions at some point have attempted to solve the social issues inherent in humanity. These religions cause as many problems as they solve because they do not make their central foundations on Love, but on fear, hatred and greed. The exact opposite of Love. Therefore they will fail. Soon, even the adherents of such religions fracture into warring groups heaping unLove upon each other. If your religion tells you to kill someone it’s unLove and therefore false. Sorry. If it tells you to exclude someone it is false. Sorry. If it tells you it’s OK to lie cheat or steal from someone else, it’s a lie. The whole thing. Every bit. Sorry. Because, the only way the Human paradigm functions is when fueled and regulated with Love. This is not in any way news, of course. It has been stated numerous times in the past. However the human sins of fear greed and hate are powerful deceivers that lead humans astray. They grow in strength the more successful they become. The more successful they become the stronger they are. It is a positive feedback loop.  This is the situation in which some groups of humans living on Earth today find themselves. The more fear, greed and hatred exists, the more there will be until THE HUMAN SYSTEM COLLAPSES. It has done so in the past however currently humans possess technology that practically guarantees that another collapse will be the last. Again, nothing really new here. And, the solution is still Love. Not technology. That can be misused. Not money. That can be misused. Not law for law can be misused. Only Love. One prominent human religion stated that a person should love their neighbors as they love themselves. Unfortunately that all-important message was added seemingly as an afterthought to a book full of hatred, fear, war, exclusion and punishment. The few words of truth sadly buried. The very words that are the only instructions needed for healthy human development and living. Some God somewhere wisely knew that the “Keep It Simple Stupid” principle was the best, so condensed into three easy to remember words the directive was thus: Love One Another. Weather this God was a fat human male with purple skin, a bearded old man in white robes who lives in the sky, or even a Vixen with beautiful red fur, it matters not. They wisely concluded that those three words were just enough, if followed faithfully. 

In ever religion humanity has produced, there is always the Great Deceiver. The image may differ but the intent is always the same. To lead human beings to unhappiness and destruction. To lead them astray, as it were. Astray from where? From a system that promotes wellbeing contentment  and stability. Hatred, fear and greed do this quite well.  And have done so in the past, quite well. Together they have brought destruction to even the greatest societies of human beings. They are persistent, enticing and insidious. Every bit comparable to some well known images of this negative force contained in many contemporary religious writings. Further, these three sins easily cloud and confuse the message of Love because they feed on human weakness. But it’s easy to see through them IF YOU CHOOSE TO. The question to ask yourself is, “Is this a Loving action?” If the answer is no, then you are being lead astray. “Am I acting with as much compassion as possible?” If the answer is no, you are being lead astray.

Killing someone is not Loving them. 

Stealing from someone is not Loving them. 

Making false statements about someone is not Loving them. 

The great deceivers of fear hatred and greed will often make strong arguments to why in some cases Love can be overlooked. That is incorrect. Be ready to scrutinize such arguments with the care of a well paid lawyer.  There are many today who would doubt this simple message. However it’s quite easy to see that it is the Truth. A world full of fear, greed and hated ceases to exist in all of the dramatic and unpleasant ways that would delight that certain stereotypical underworld dwelling character. This can easily be seen today in areas of the world where the presence of Love is currently at a nadir.  Conversely, A world full of Love does not cease to exist, but instead gives all humans the opportunity to thrive and grow to their full potential. 

So sayeth the Seventh Congregation of Ladder day Vixens. 

Today, let us celebrate Love in all the little ways we can!

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